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Kente cloth colors meaning

The True Meaning Of Kente Cloth Colors

Kente has its own myth or story of its origin and symbolism claiming the original cloth was taken from the web of a spider by two men from bonwire and related superstitions such as no work can be started or completed on a Friday and that mistakes require an offering to be made to the loom. In kente cloth, colors are significant in conveying a meanings. Each block, pattern, and color has a distinct name and meaning, and the cloth often includes adinkra symbols, which represent concepts or sayings.
Hold a piece of kente cloth between your fingers, and the first thing you notice is likely the bright, saturated shades of yellow, red, blue, and green. You might observe several rows of patterns, which are identical on the front and back of the cloth. That lets you know it was made by hand on a wooden loom. If you know what to look for, you may even be able to “read” it, gleaning a proverb or political statement from its threads.

true meaning of kente cloth colors
true meaning of kente cloth colors

Kente is a meaningful sartorial piece of cloth, as every aspect of its aesthetic design is intended as communication. The colors of the cloth each hold strong symbolism and deep meaning rooted deep into our rich African traditional culture, the patterns, and shapes woven together on each Kente cloth also combine to represent a story, theme, or anecdote, or symbolize the wearer’s clan or specific set of values.
Here are the various beautiful colors of kente cloth and their inspiring meaning to them.

The Gold kente fabric signifies serenity and status. Usually worn by chiefs at functions associated with Adwini asa (the end of design) motif, which symbolizes royalty, elegance, creative ingenuity, excellence, wealth, perfection, and superior craftsmanship
Black also stands for union with ancestors and spiritual awareness.

Purple or Maroon represents Mother Earth, healing, and protection from evil

White symbolizes purity, cleansing rites, and festive occasions

Green means growth, harvest, and renewal

Red symbolizes blood, and political passion and strength.
Blue stands for peace, love, and harmony
Silver also represents serenity, joy, purity and association with the moon.
Grey symbolizes healing and cleansing rituals associated with ash.

Explore our design page and discover different shades of colors and hues on quality kente fabric.

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